the [mostly stationary] travelogue of a New Yorker in London

Sunday, November 18, 2007

A moment to remember forgetted things

there are things i forget. like how beautiful sunrises and stars are at 40,000 feet. i have always proclaimed the virtues of night flights but it really is not only practical, it is magic. As the West Wing says, they are great "because we cease to be earthbound and burdened with practicality. Asking important questions. Talking about the idea that nobody has thought about yet." it allows us to be poets.

the flight was good [ i know i am doing this backwards, but these are my recollections, and this is the way the arrive in my head] i found myself dreading getting off. it was a safe space, a warm liminal space that let me forget about all the scary things i had to do in the world. but i left, because i had to-on many levels- and it ended up well.

this is difficult, and i think we instinctively know that. which may be why people don't move all the time. i had been fooled. we moved quite a bit for the first six years of my life but it was never really hard, never my responsibility. i just went from place to place all exciting and what not, none of the hard part. i guess that is what being a grown up is...

tomorrow we go to see apartments and set up more appointments... i am excited!

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