the [mostly stationary] travelogue of a New Yorker in London

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Day started off gross...

so yesterday started off not good, i felt really disgusting. ill and useless. but then i made some food

[that seems to be my thing recently]

and a friend i made at the hostel called me up and we went out...on a date? i believe. how utterly strange. he was very nice and polite and well, normal. but it was fun and we saw Sleuth. Which i LOVED. i thought it was amazing. not much happened, but Kenneth Branagh made what i like to think of as cinematic theater. he staged it like he was staging theater but used cinematic tricks. i was just amazed. making filmed theater is so difficult, but Branagh made it work. It certainly helped that he had two actors who simply loved what they were doing. relished in the roles they had been given and the time they had on screen. i haven't seen in a long time a camera that loves and actor as much as the camera loves Michael Caine's lines and all the emotion leaking out of them. it was so excellent. shocking and twisted and cold and demented. Branagh did the theater thing of making the environment a representation of the main character's internal state, but the brilliant thing is that it was created by his wife! the crux of the film. it was a power struggle in the most classic sense. and it was explored in every frame, every image and every object placed in this film.

i liked it.

then we went to a pub called Tommy O'Flanagans. It had excellent music playing, photos of 60's pop icons on the walls, it was a fantastic pub. and they want experienced bar staff. i would love to work there, but i am so not experienced. i think though i am going to go today and see how devoted they are to that experienced label. we shall see. i hope i sell it right!

then off to canterbury to see the folk that i missed last time, and to see again the folk that i saw.

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