the [mostly stationary] travelogue of a New Yorker in London

Saturday, November 17, 2007

a landing...not quite crash but pretty hard

we came in yesterday, thank god j is with me. our flight was delayed for two hours before take off, and then the train with my ginormous bags, where i felt pretty stupid, then the tube, then the stairs coming out of the tube, then the hostel where we couldn't get into our room for...half an hour... no, actually the trails were littered with extraordinarily friendly people giving us help and a friendly smile, joke or wittiscism... the first night was actually good, we saw the world's tiniest studio, we took a nap, then went out to look for food, slightly unsuccessfully, but we did feed ourselves, then back to the hostel for some west wing. i know, i live the high life, but it was good, it made me feel like home.

today was nice actually, we woke early and had breakfast, then looked through the newspaper endlessly and called. then we went on sort of a goosechase. down to gloucster road to a letting agency, [which might be a good option] then tried to see a flat but my directions were off, so no viewing today. so we became resolute about figuring out where things ACTUALLY are. then we came back and had dinner, nice fish and chips, [yum] and were bought drinks by whom i think was the owner, which was odd to say the least.

however, the hostel people are nice, sweet and for some reason like us.

it has been as J says classic, we circle things in the newspaper sitting next to the window in a pub. i loved that. we also wandered around SoHo and i remembered why i want to live here.

its hard sometimes to remember, because i love home so much. and miss my parents, but then i see the city, watch people interacting, wander through these amazing streets. what i need is a job and an apartment, to start living a life, not searching for one.

The last few days before i left were very hard, but also sort of a blur because i kinda denied all that was going on. i went to Philly to visit friends which was so incredibly important to me. seeing them in their new life was great, i can't wait until they actually have jobs and a life that i can pop in and out of. right now it feels a little like a vacation, but they have JUST moved in so i SUPPOSE thats okay. the night before i left i went to show in the city, Locksley was playing which was so fantastic, because they not only are amazing, but also played I Saw Her Standing There as their encore. which was pretty much a sign...also that it was called the Brooklyn British Mersey Beat Soul Explosion. ummmm...a sign i think...

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