the [mostly stationary] travelogue of a New Yorker in London

Saturday, December 15, 2007

a confusing dream

so i just woke up

[in my new room!]

from a dream that was probably spawned from watching too much paranormal television...and...something. not sure what else. so J and I were helping a guy, no name, just knew he was important and we were like his sidekicks. we killed some sort of demon or evil man, burning him in his front yard. we were at the campus of a school of some sort. then someone came out and saw us. J and I ran

[on orders from the guy]

across snowy wooded areas. i had a deal with boots before the killing, and we ran into a house, where i was going to change my boots and continue running. but it turns out we walked right into the administration building where the police were headquartered. now, i wasn't worked over as an accomplice, but because my work

[academic work]

was challenging and the headmaster didn't understand it. one teacher pulled out what she thought was my best essay. it was about an Akira Kurosawa film. and in the dream i just pulled out this explanation as to why Kurosawa's films are so violent. i said something about demonized Japanese in films in the 40's and 50's then they had to reassert power in the 60's and 70's or something.

now, i think i have seen a Kurosawa film once in my life. and i don't think it was violent. it was all very strange.

[i can bullshit with the best of them even in my subconscious]

the administrator was making me cry and all i could think was thank god i've already graduated from college...then i woke up.

anyway...i haven't updated in a while. its been a strange week. the first couple of days were very busy, then B came and we went to Oxford circus and wandered, looking at the store windows marvelling at the artistry of them.

thursday came and went, slightly uneventfully, supposed to go to Canterbury but didn't make it. then last night, i went to Alexandra Palace to see Bloc Party and The Cribs.

it was an awesome show.

[even though i fell down and hurt my knee seriously]

the cribs were great, working really hard with catchy punk songs. very nice.


bloc party was amazing...

i don't really listen to them, only sort of, but it was this incredible feeling being in the midst of all of these devoted fans and me not being one of them. i felt their passion for this band, this music and these words. it was really cool.

and i thought, watching the band, how neat it would be to have your job be the thing you are passionate about, but also to have your job be looking cool, just


being yourself and looking like you are on the edge of

[pretty mainstream]


it would be a interesting, good and difficult life i'm sure.

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