the [mostly stationary] travelogue of a New Yorker in London

Thursday, February 7, 2008

i missed it again!

damn damn damn. i keep forgetting that never mind the buzzcocks

[one of the best shows on television]

is on at 9pm on thursdays. crap. oh well, thank god for internet television.

i went today to see a blood red shoes perform at an instore at sister ray. a pretty


famous record shop in soho. they were outstanding. it is a duo from brighton who make these kick ass punk rock songs, that are also so rock'n'roll. laura-mary sings and plays guitar

[and she is so incredibly cool and sexy and incredible]

she was ill and couldn't sing, so the drummer, stephen, did the set alone. it was only five songs but singing and playing the drums

[especially the way they sing]

is unbelievably hard. he is hardcore punk rock. im impressed and want good things for them. great songwriters and interesting musical arrangements.

rock on rock on

it was great...

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