the [mostly stationary] travelogue of a New Yorker in London

Friday, January 4, 2008

a time off

it's been quite a while. i think its been fine though, considering most of those who read what i write, i am seeing now.

but just a few thoughts and some wrapping up.

first the wrapping up.

christmas was wonderful, full of family and christmas morning was perfection. my family in the room, coffee, pastries, bagels and pomosas

[a sarah invention of course]

then we flew to virginia and spent time with other family...wonderful.

new years was perfect, the exact right way to ring in the new potential of the coming year. first party in brooklyn with my boys

[oh how i adore my boys, so fantastic individually and so cohesive and wonderful as a crew]

then to philly at the ungodly hour of 7 am. where we descended on the girls who remained, and had a time that felt like the combination of home and excitement. its hard to describe feeling so perfectly understood and challenged when it is not your family. but i guess they are really my family, and its just reinforcing that idea which seems strange to me, but not strange at all.

but really, the impetus to write was not to wax about my amazing friends. it was because whilst in philly i discovered a magazine about indie music and culture called sentimentalist. its cool because it made me go back and listen to tracks off the new editors album. the power of the article about them was such that it made me interested in an album i had no interest in whatsoever. but what was cool was that listening to the tracks made me remember how editors made me feel.

their songs are rather down, not lively and poppy. but comfortable and not morose. but something about the musical construction makes me feel full of hope for the future. strange, not like say the hives who make me feel just happy. editors make me feel hopeful and pensive without being heavy or sad.

i like that.

its just one more aspect of music that is coming to light for me.



Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhhh you have a blog how the f did i miss this
i had a blog i think i should renew this old habit
i feel you have increased my desire to write again
thanks miss h2r
we can be blog buddies

Anonymous said...

ps i like what you write