the [mostly stationary] travelogue of a New Yorker in London

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Avant Garde and keys

today all i had to do was pick up my key and drop off a deposit. i have a key! a thing with which to lock and unlock a door to a house that will hold me for a while. very nice. so j and i went to the British library to look at the avant garde exhibition. it was wonderful, exciting and inspiring.

part of me wishes that we didn't live in an era that was so much like the future. that there was more mystery in technology, that one didn't have to be an expert in their field to understand or expand. i guess you don't have to be, but if one is not, it seems like Everest.

this exhibit was nice because it reminded me of the possibilities of the future, and what we are all meant to do, yes, in a fate sort of way. there seems to be something bubbling 'neath the surface, a passion, a manifesto, a cohesive philosophy something that would rock a foundation or tradition of some sort. i can't wait until it comes tumbling over the sides of our consciousness.


Unknown said...

You have a home! that's awesome! and it's the future, which is also awesome. Which reminds me, they're re-releasing blade runner in theaters; nothing like an eighties sci-fi movie to make life feel futuristic. Anyway I'm really happy you found a place, you should take pictures and find a way to display them, can a blog do that? I'm kind of digging this whole blog thing and the next blog button; you're right next to a blender tutorial and a blog in a different language that seems to be mostly about antique war helmets. And yes being unemployed and having your own place is alot like vacation! Willis and I just saw broken social scene and we're going to see cold war kids when we get back. So my advice to you; enjoy the unemployment holiday! Of course, there is that whole money thing
Anyway I think I have to post this under an email address so you'll have my gmail address, although I'm going to have to get a tamer one soon so it doesn't get filtered by perspective employers, I'll let you know
Have fun in London! Freak out some natives with extravagent turkey and canned cranberry celebrations

H2R_hawkeye said...


You have a new home-- another home-- this one is always here for you, too. But to have a tiny nest to reflect who you are and chronicle who you are becoming is such a treasure. What makes it all so wonderful is that you know it! You are so conscious of what you have and the delicious moment that is now. you have a wonderful and impressive capacity to be present.

Hope you gave those rowdy Brits a taste of pumpkin pie! We ate at X watching Sarah work her magic on us--uncle frank, Ori, dad and me--- and her other customers.

Much love to you,